You may need to create new job types, which are used as templates to create jobs for mobile workers. Job types define the actions that needs to be completed during a job, groups to which the job type is available, and additional information fields for the jobs.
You need to have an account with the Company Administrator, Super User role, or a custom role with the rights to create or copy and edit Job Types.
- Log in to the Street Smart web portal using your credentials and company ID.
- Navigate to Administration > Job Types.
- Click Create Job Type.
Alternatively, you can create a new job type based on already existing type. To do this:
- Click on any existing job type and select Copy Job Type.
- Enter a name for the copy of the job type and click Save & Close.
- Click on the copy of the job type and select Edit Job Type; proceed to the next step to configure the job type.
- Click on any existing job type and select Copy Job Type.
- On the Create Job Type screen, fill in the following details and click Next:
- Name
- Description
- Default Duration - Enter the expected duration of the job (used for scheduling).
- Inner Label - Enter the value that will be displayed within the job icon on the map.
Outer Label - Enter the value that will be displayed above the job icon on the map.
The values that can be used for inner and outer labels:- Start: Schedule Start Date time
- End: Scheduled End Date time
- Actual Start: Actual Start date time
- Actual End: Actual End date time
- Status Description: The job status (i.e. In Transit)
- Active - This option needs to be enabled for users to be able to create jobs using this job type.
- Job Name Visibility - Define if the Job Name field will be hidden, available and optional, or available and mandatory when creating a job.
Allow Job Create from Device - Enable this option to allow mobile workers to create jobs from their devices. If this option is enabled, select the available options (Simple or Advanced) for workers when creating a job; the Advanced options include information about location, priority, and scheduled start time.
- Add fields that can contain additional information about the job:
- Click New.
- Complete the following values:
- Detail Name - Enter a name for the field.
- Detail Type - String is used for one line entries, Text is used for multi-line entries.
- Default Value - Enter a default value if needed.
- Required - Define if the field is mandatory.
- Show On Device - Define if the field will be displayed for workers in the mobile app or only on the web portal for administrators.
- Appear On Calendar - Define if the information from this field is displayed on the availability calendar (at Workers > Worker List).
- Click Apply.
- Click Next once you have added the required fields.
- Add job actions - they will be available for mobile workers when completing a job:
- Click New.
- Enter Action Name.
- Required - Define if the action is mandatory.
- Timer Option - Define if timer starts, stops, the job is completed/terminated, or the timer is not affected by performing this action.
- Repeatable - Define if this action can be performed multiple times within one job.
- Form attached - Select a form that needs to be completed when performing this action.
- Delete on Device - If this option is enabled, once the action is performed, the job is removed from the mobile device.
- Delete on Server - If this option is enabled, once the action is performed, the job is removed from the server.
Note: Once a job is deleted from the server it cannot be viewed or retrieved. It is not recommended to use this option unless you need to completely discard an assigned job. - Click Apply.
- Click Next.
- Select groups to which this job type will be available and click Next.
- Define if the details about the completed job will be sent to the selected recipients automatically and if mobile workers will be able to send completed job details manually to users.
- If you have enabled Auto Email Delivery, you need to Configure Auto Email Recipients - select the required group and select the recipients from the group. Only users with email addresses added to their accounts can be selected.
Also, you can use the Additional Email Ids field to enter more recipient emails manually.
- Click Custom Email Template and modify the template that will be sent to users - enter a suitable subject and body for the message. You can insert one of the following values into subject or body:
- Worker Name
- Job Name
- Job ID
- Job Completed Date and Time
- If you have enabled Auto Email Delivery, you need to Configure Auto Email Recipients - select the required group and select the recipients from the group. Only users with email addresses added to their accounts can be selected.
- Click Next.
- Select a public form that you want to send to the customer upon job completion.
- You can enable mobile workers to manually enter customer email to which the form will be sent.
- Update default subject and message body if needed. You can insert one of the following values into the subject or body of the message:
- Worker Name
- Job Name
- Job ID
- Job Completed Date and Time
- Click Save & Close.
The new job type is displayed in the list and highlighted with yellow. You should be able to create jobs using the new job type if you made it Active.
Priyanka Bhotika