You may need to add or update a company logo image and address (or alternative text) that will be displayed as a header on submitted forms and jobs that you print or share in PDF format.
You need to have an account with the Company Administrator, Super User role, or a custom role with rights to modify company settings.
- From the web portal, navigate to Administration > Settings.
- Select the Custom Header tab.
- Click Choose File and select an image with your company logo. The image must be:
- In JPG or PNG format
- 1 Mb or smaller
- 200 X 60 pixels or smaller
We will use the StreetSmart logo as an example.
- Enter your company address or additional info about your company in the Header Text field.
- Click Save.
View a submitted form or job to confirm that the updated information is reflected correctly:
- Navigate to Forms > Submitted Forms, and click on the Print or Download as PDF icon next to any form:
- Navigate to Jobs > Job List, click on any Completed job, and select View Job Detail; click on the Print or Download as PDF icon in the top right corner of the page:
The company logo and additional text should be displayed at the top of the page:
Priyanka Bhotika