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Setting Your Company Logo and Address


You may need to add or update a company logo image and address (or alternative text) that will be displayed as a header on submitted forms and jobs that you print or share in PDF format.


You need to have an account with the Company AdministratorSuper User role, or a custom role with rights to modify company settings.


  1. From the web portal, navigate to Administration > Settings.
  2. Select the Custom Header tab.
  3. Click Choose File and select an image with your company logo. The image must be:
    • In JPG or PNG format
    • 1 Mb or smaller
    • 200 X 60 pixels or smaller
      We will use the StreetSmart logo as an example.
  4. Enter your company address or additional info about your company in the Header Text field.


  5. Click Save.


View a submitted form or job to confirm that the updated information is reflected correctly:

  • Navigate to Forms > Submitted Forms, and click on the Print or Download as PDF icon next to any form:

  • Navigate to Jobs > Job List, click on any Completed job, and select View Job Detail; click on the Print or Download as PDF icon in the top right corner of the page:


The company logo and additional text should be displayed at the top of the page:



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  1. Priyanka Bhotika

  2. Posted
  3. Updated
